Have you ever noticed that fast food in commercials looks more attractive than in real life? Yes, there are a lot of people aimed to make fast food look perfect in photos. Professional food photographers and marketing specialists work hard and have different tools to make a beautiful picture of a burger or sandwich. It a difficult thing to make a perfect cake photo as cream melts and interlay cake layer become wet fast. To make a perfect cake photo photographer use cardboard to keep cake layers dry. Whipped cream is usually replaced with shaving foam and toothpick is used to secure a cherry. It’s almost impossible to make a perfect photo of an ice-cream as it melts so fast. Usually ice cream replaced with mashed potatoes colored with food coloring. Sounds crazy? Yes, but it’s the only way to make a perfect photo. Moreover, you will find a lot of crazy recipes that you will love! You will find a recipe of black ice-cream that is the perfect summer dessert. Mix heavy cream, sugar and activated charcoal in a large bowl. Beat the mixture and add dry rice, mix again. Enjoy! It may sound crazy but you totally should try to make giant food. Besides, it won’t require any special cooking skills. Have you ever seen giant French fries? It’s the easiest recipe ever but it’s a cool way to amaze your friends. Boil potatoes and prepare mashed potatoes. Take a baking tray, spread evenly mashed potatoes and bake. Cut it into strips and fry. Ready! Have you ever seen a giant oreo that looks like a cake? Watch the video till the end to find this tutorial!
00:09 Vegan caviar
01:11 Banana pops
02:09 Black ice-cream
02:55 White strawberries
03:14 Fast food secrets
07:50 How to make giant food
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