Good luck to everyone going in to sixth form in September, you GOT this!
Lots of love xx
Some people to check out for advice etc:
Jack Edwards
Eve Bennett
Lydia Violeta
Eve Cornwell
Ibz Mo
Ruby Granger
Unjaded Jade
Laur Medley
Mei-Ying Chow
The Strive Studies
Primrose Kitten (science and maths)
Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat all @onlinenoo
Instagram (onlinenoo):
Twitter (onlinenoo):
21 buttons: onlinenoo
Look at things I like:
Younow: NooStenning
Codes and Links that help me out if you’re feeling kind! If you use these to download/buy I get a teeny bit of commission, completely up to you if you use them or not!
21 buttons:
Sign up to UniDays (ASOS, Misguided, Feelunique+more discounts for free using only a school/college email!)
10% off at Scribbler (how I send all my cards!): SCRWMF98C
I Saw It First:
Coconut Lane: Noo20 for 20% off!
Uber: anoushas3ue
Vision Direct for contacts! 2347838T
How old are you? 19
Where are you at Uni and what are you studying? Biochemistry at the University of Bath
What were your a levels? Chemistry, Geography and Biology (History of Art at AS)
Where are you from? I’m half English and half Iranian
Disclaimer: Some of these items may have been sent or gifted to me however that in no way affects my opinion on them :)