

🔴Music to ATTRACT A LOT OF MONEY and LOVE to your LIFE, Music to ATTRACT LUCK Getting money is an easy and simple process, you just have to understand and trust the different laws of the universe such as the Law of Attraction.

Money is energy that has a certain vibrational frequency and we attract everything that is on that same frequency. Therefore we have the ability to attract the amount of money that is in tune with our thoughts.

The attraction of money is a skill that anyone can achieve, as long as it works in favor of universal laws and not against them. However, 99% of people do not know them and much less know how to use them in their favor.

To become a magnet of money, to attract and enjoy infinite abundance, there are certain things that we must exercise and make through money the Law of Attraction attracts our lives in abundance. The universe does not set limits on the amount it can offer us. The only limits are those that exist in our mind, which are sometimes so great that they prevent us from moving forward, growing and achieving prosperity.

I tell you from experience, it is very easy to talk about this but doing so is another story. It has cost me a lot of discipline, commitment and reflection but every time I understand and use the Law of Attraction more and my ability to attract money becomes bigger and therefore, I have more prosperity and abundance, people and situations They introduce themselves and harmonize to help me achieve my goals.

If you want to become a money magnet, follow these steps:
To start the process of attracting money you must be very specific regarding the amount of money you want to receive. Advertise it with intention (not the amount you think you can earn, but the amount you want to receive).
Love your money, without becoming obsessed with it. Many people do not love money because they do not have enough; How are you going to attract something you don't love?
Visualize yourself and imagine spending the money you want, as if you already had it.
Speak, act and think with an attitude and mentality of wealth and abundance. You should eliminate any thoughts that involve messages of lack and poverty such as "I have no money," "it is too expensive," and "I can never have that."
Don't think or talk about not having enough money, never. Not for a moment, and if a thought of these enters your mind, take it out quickly.
Thank all the money you have right now. Thank you to touch it and to receive it.
Make a list of all the things you would buy with that amount of money you want.
Do whatever it takes to make you feel like a rich person, who enjoys abundance and total financial freedom.
Repeat the affirmation of having abundant amounts of money and that comes to you effortlessly.
Appreciate all the riches around you, including the riches of others. Find samples of wealth wherever you go and appreciate them.
You must be sure that the money is coming towards you.
Love yourself and convince yourself that you deserve and are worthy of receiving abundant amounts of money.

Remember every day that you are a money magnet and that you are working with the universal laws for attracting money. Ask yourself constantly during the day, are you attracting or driving away the richness of your life with your thoughts and emotions?
Always pay yourself first of your salary money, then pay your debts. With this act you tell the universe that you are valuable and deserve more.
Repeat several times a day (and every day), "I am a magnet of money and money comes to me easily and effortlessly."
Write a check with the amount of money you would like to have or the new amount written on a ticket and load it into your wallet so you can see it frequently.
Do whatever it takes to make you feel good and at ease. The emotions of happiness and joy are your powerful allies to help you become a powerful money magnet. Be happy, love yourself, be optimistic and receive everything with gratitude and confidence that it comes even more.

Remember, wealth is nothing more than a state of mind. You attract money or move it away, it all depends on the way you think.

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