
Mushrooms 101- Foods That Go With Mushrooms

Mushrooms 101- Foods That Go With Mushrooms This video covers a list of foods that go with mushrooms and also mushroom flavor combinations.

To see my complete notes on Mushrooms 101 - The Basics including more flavor combos and recipe links, please visit my blog at

Other Foods That Go Well with Mushrooms

Proteins, Nuts, Seeds: Beans, beef, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, fish and other seafood, ham (including bacon), meat stocks, nuts (especially almonds and walnuts), tahini, veal

Vegetables: Arugula, asparagus, avocado, carrots, celery, chives, eggplant, fennel, kale, leeks, olives, onions, peas, potatoes, salads, scallions, shallots, spinach, tomatoes

Fruit: Lemon, orange

Grains: Barley, bread crumbs, millet, noodles, pasta, polenta, quinoa, rice, wild rice

Dairy: Butter, cheese (ie. Blue, feta, goat, Gruyere, Parmesan, ricotta), cream, mascarpone, milk (animal and coconut)

Other: Oil (peanut, sesame, truffle, walnut, olive), pizza, sauces, soups, vegetable and meat broths, vinegar, wine

Some suggested combos:
Mushrooms + arugula + pasta + peas

Mushrooms + breadcrumbs + chives + garlic + olive oil

Mushrooms + garlic + ginger + scallions

Mushrooms + garlic + leeks + lemon + walnuts

Mushrooms + garlic + olive oil + parsley + rosemary + thyme

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