
Mikey Tries a $10,000 Toto Toilet

Mikey Tries a $10,000 Toto Toilet All bets are off ya’ll!  You had the audacity to click on this video, so I am not responsible for what you are about to watch.  Today I am trying a $10,000 Toto toilet, and I have been informed that that price did not include installation.  I have no idea what it costs to install a $10,000 toilet, but I am sure it’s not cheap.  I also dedicate this video to my daughter (stay with me on this) who is going to start potty training this week.  We are in this together!
A special thanks to all those involved in inviting me to try what has been called the “Cadillac of toilet bowls.”

#mikeytries #tototoilet #ocd

Artist Problems,Mikey Tries,MikeNotJerry,Its Mike Not Jerry,Toto,Toilet,luxury,10k,$10000,

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