
Ethiopian Woman, Gete Bujo, never set foot outside for the past 9 years.

Ethiopian Woman, Gete Bujo, never set foot outside for the past 9 years. Thank you for watching! Like share and subscribe to get the latest Ethiopian News, Information and updates.

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W/ro Gete Bujo never set foot outside her home for the past 9 years. ለ9 አመታት ከቤት ያልወጡት እማማ ጌጤ ቡጆ
EthioInfo media all rights reserver, August 2019.

#GeteBujo #Ethiopianews

EthioInfo,Ethiopia,Senselet,Betoch,Min Litazez,Ethiopian woman,Gete Bujo,Gete Bujo 9 years,sunday with ebs,entewawekalen wey,ethiopian drama,ethiopian movie,seifu on ebs,seifu show,

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