![DO YOU LIKE PANCAKES?! WBE Chicago Cubchoos vs Maryland Torterrapins [UnderTheRadar] DO YOU LIKE PANCAKES?! WBE Chicago Cubchoos vs Maryland Torterrapins [UnderTheRadar]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SW3_uUAGaH8/maxresdefault.jpg)
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WBE Playlist:
The WBE, also known as the World Battle Entertainment, is a Pokemon Competitive Battle League starring the Draft League Format. M4GNITUDE is the one who started Draft Leagues with the GBA, also known as the Global Battle Association, and aDrive is the one who started the WBE. This is technically the 3rd season of the WBE, not including the Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee WBE season that went down. I myself have been apart of the WBE every season thus far and am very grateful to be apart of it, and look forward to being apart of it in the future!
This season for the WBE, we are bidding gen 7 a farewell adieu. This will be the final Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Draft League before gen 8 comes out with Pokemon Sword and Shield, so we may be seeing Pokemon Sword and Shield Draft Leagues in the future, potentially with the WBE as well! Our goal this season is to start something special. On the WBE Channel, we have hired analysts to create some high quality videos to promote the league more and overall showcase the competitiveness of this league, as well as the fun times in the league too, because why else do this than to have fun! The champion of the WBE will also be awarded with a championship belt, similar to the WWE, so who knows, maybe the Cubchoos will be the ones to earn that championship belt!
Either way, hope you guys enjoy the World Battle Entertainment this season, and let's go Chicago Cubchoos!
Check out some of the other videos I have going on!
EGGLOCKE OR NUZLOCKE?! | Pokemon Renegade Platinum ULTIMATE NUZLOCKE Co-Op Part 1 -
CUTEST EGG HATCH EVER! | Pokemon Emerald Egglocke Co-Op -
WORST TRADE EVER?! | Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee TEAM ROCKET Tri Op -
RANDOMIZER MATTERS?! CATCH OR FAIL?! | Pokemon X & Y Randomizer Egglocke Co-Op -
Check out my opponent UnderTheRadar:
Check out the WBE Channel here:
WBE Website:
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