
Learn Korean While You Sleep [Korean Folktale - The Real Wealthy Man 진짜 부자]

Learn Korean While You Sleep [Korean Folktale - The Real Wealthy Man 진짜 부자] This story belongs to the Korean Folktale and I personally did the translation into English. Here is the Korean/English Version. Hope this story helped you learn English

진짜 부자
The Real Wealthy Man

북쪽 마을에 소문난 부자 윤 노인이 살고 있었어요
There was a famous old man named Yun living in northern village
어느 날, 윤 노인은 이상한 꿈을 꾸었어요
One day, Yun old man had a strange dream
“윤 노인은 들어라
“Listen Yun old man
내일 정오에 이 마을에서 가장 부자인 사람이 죽게 될 것이다
Tomorrow at noon, the wealthiest person of this village will die
그러니 미리 준비하여 장례식을 성대하게 치르도록 하여라”
So prepare beforehand a grand funeral”
수염이 허연 신령님이 나타나 이렇게 말하는 것이 아니겠어요?
A spirit with white mustache appeared and said this?
그런데 꿈이 어찌 생생한지 잠에서 깨어난 뒤어도 또렷했어요
But the dream was so realistic that even after waken up, it was still clear
‘이 마을에서 가장 부자라면 나를 말하는 것이 아닌가
‘isn’t the wealthiest person in this village meaning me
아아. 깊은 병이라도 들었단 말인가. 하늘도 무심하시지’
Ahh. Did I get some serious illness. Life is so unfair
윤 노인은 억울한 생각이 들었어요. 그래서 서둘러 하인을 불었지요
Yun old man felt as he did not deserve this. So he quickly called his servant
“돌쇠야, 돌쇠야~”
“Rocky(servant’s name), Rocky~”
“예, 예 부르셨습니다?”
“Yes, Yes did you call?”
“마을에서 가장 훌륭란 의원을 모셔 오도록 해
“Please bring the most excellent doctor in the village
내 병은 고치는 의원에게는 내 재산의 절반을 줄 것이야
The one that fixes my illness will get half of all of my wealth
서둘더 모셔 오도록 해라”
Hurry up and bring them to me”
“예? 주인님 어디가 아프십니다?”
“Yes, are you sick somewhere?”
“딴소리 말고. 시간이 없어. 얼른!”
“I don’t have time for nonsense, hurry up!”
그러자, 소문은 순식간에 퍼져갔어요
Then the news quickly spread
이름난 의원들은 모조리 윤 노인의 병을 고치겠다고 나섰지요
all the famous doctors came to fix the illness of Yun old man
‘음… 도통 알 수가 없군
‘umm.. I can’t find out
몸에 이상이 있기는 커녕 젊은 사람들보다 더 튼튼한 걸?’
Yun old man’s health is even better than the health of a young person?’
의원들은 하나같이 고개를 갸웃거리며 돌아갔어요
All the doctors went back wondering what was wrong with Yun old man
다음날이 되었어요
The next day came
그런데, 이상한 일이죠? 정오가 지나도 윤 노인은 멀쩡했던 거예요
But the strange thing happened? Even after noon, Yun old man was fine
‘허 거참 이상한 일이군
‘huh, this is strange
그렇다면 혹시 이 마을에 나보다 더 부자가 있는 것은 아닐까?’
So is there a person richer than me in this village?
“얘, 돌쇠야, 돌쇠야~”
“Hey, Rocky (name of the servant), Rocky~”
“예, 주인 어른”
“Yes, master”
“혹시 우리 마을에 오늘 정오에 죽은 사람이 있느냐?”
“is there anybody in this village who died at noon today?”
“예, 있습죠. 다리 밑에 사는 박 영감님이 오늘 돌아가셨답니다. 흑흑”
Yes, there is. Park old man who lives under the village died today. (sound of crying)”
“뭐야? 박 노인이!”
“what? Park old man!”
윤 노인은 깜짝 놀랐어요
Yun old man was surprised
박 노인이라면 이 마을레서 가장 가난한 사람이었거든요
Park old man was the poorest man in the village
옷이 없어서 한겨울에도 속옷을 입지 못할 지경이었으니까요
He didn’t even have inner clothes to wear during the winter
“안되겠군. 내가 가봐야겠어”
“this can’t be, I have to find out myself”
믿을 수가 없어 윤 노인은 직접 박 노인이 살던 집으로 갔어요
The Yun Old Man could not believe it so he himself went to see the house Park old man lived in
그런데 이게 웬일이에요? 박 노인의 죽음을 슬퍼한 나머지
But what happened? The sadness from death of Park old man
사람들이 두름 떼처엄 몰려온 것이었어요
Brought countless people together
“쯧쯧쯧. 가진 건 모두 다른 사람들에세 나눠주고
“ahh, he gave everything he had to other people
조금의 욕심도 없는 분이셨는데…”
He was such a selfless man…”
“흑흑. 그러게 말예요. 거저 나눠주고,
“(crying sound) yes, he shared everything,
어려운 일은 어떻게든 도와주려 했지요”
He tried to help people who were going through difficult times”
“이 마을에서 가장 가난하게 살았지만 마음만은 항상 부자셨지요”
“even though he was the poorest person in this village, his heart was the richest”
그 소리를 들은 윤 노인은 한 없이 부끄러워졌어요
After hearing this, Yun old man was embarrassed
‘난 내가 지금까지 가장 부자인 줄만 알았어
‘I always thought I was the wealthiest
그런데 진짜 부자는 따로 있었네그려. 살았을 때도 마음만은
But there was another real wealthiest. When he (Yun old man) was living
가장 부자로 살았고, 죽은 다음에도 이 사람들이 다 재산이구먼
He lived as wealthiest man and after he died, all the people he helped became his wealth
그러니 돈만 많은 나보다야 얼마나 부자인가’
So isn’t is the real wealthiest compared to me who old has a lot of money
윤 노인은 지난날을 후회했어요
Yun old man regretted his past days
그리고 신령님의 말씀대로 박 노인의 장례를 성대하게 치어주었답니다.
And as the spirit had told him, he created an extravagant funeral for Park old man

Learn Korean While You Sleep,Korean Folktale,Teacher Kim,The Real Wealthy Man,진짜 부자,

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