
Indifferent Differences:An Analysis of Bullying | Nandini Gupta | K.R. Mangalam World School

Indifferent Differences:An Analysis of Bullying | Nandini Gupta | K.R. Mangalam World School Many students, workers, people in general, see, go through, or partake in bullying. This Presentation is an effort to understand why. Why do people just see a scenario, get entertained and move on? Why do people create a scenario? Why do people feel trapped in a negative scenario? And why are people not able to sometimes fight back? This presentation holds an intent to motivate people to recognize and fix whatever internal dilemmas they might have that put them in these situations.

I am a very normal person in a normal society, and every society has issues. However that does not mean we can not try and recognize and fix said issues. I strive to let people know that they are not alone suffering in the few shortcomings of our society, I wish to help them with my advice based on my first hand experiences. Nothing heroic or extraordinary, but a step to making the everyday ordinary perfect.

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TEDEdClub,English,India,Literature & Language,Psychology,Nominated,

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