
Group Session 131 - More on Dr. Jordan Peterson's "The Necessity of Virtue"

Group Session 131 - More on Dr. Jordan Peterson's This Session #131 contains a partial reading of Dr. Edward F. Edinger's interview on relating Dr. Jung's work to religion and the God-Image.

Reference: _Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions_, Volume 3, Edited by Drs. Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt, published by Chiron Publications I'll be reading from the essay by Dr. Murray Stein entitled: "Jung's _Red Book_ as a New Link in the Aurea Catena."

New Discord Account: I have created a new Discord Account, where you are invited to join me for an ongoing chat. SkipConover#3767

You are encouraged to watch the remarkable 3.25 minute documentary by Digital Fusion on the making of the 2009 Folio Edition of Dr. Jung's Red Book:

To participate in our Advanced Reading Group video conference seminars on Zoom, please support our work at the $10 per month level on Patreon: Seminar meetings are most Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Seminar is intended as a graduate level course on the current topic, although we grant no credits nor degrees. Replays of all of the sessions are available in our Advanced Reading Group DropBox. We are currently studying _Mysterium Coniunctionis_, Volume 14 of _The Collected Works of C.G. Jung_. We have already completed a 32 Session Seminar on Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, Volume 9ii of _The Collected Works of C.G. Jung_, published by Princeton University Press, and all of those Sessions are available for playback in the Advanced Reading Group DropBox.

We will also discuss other topics as you may suggest. Please send me your suggestions by e-mail.

--Persons desiring access to the Group DropBox should contact the Group Leader via
Twitter: @skip_conover
Facebook: Donald L. (Skip) Conover Carl Jung Depth Psychology Reading Group - Annapolis, Maryland, USA

You can support Skip's work with a SuperChat or on Patreon here:
NOTE: Skip Conover is NOT a mental health professional, but has been studying the work of Dr. C.G. Jung since 1987. If you feel seriously depressed, or have other mental health issues, please contact a licensed mental health professional in your area. This Q&A is intended to help the BTS Army understand what is happening with the #MAP_OF_THE_SOUL_PERSONA album that is being released April 12, 2019. You can support Skip's work with a SuperChat or on Patreon here:

NOTE: Skip Conover is NOT a mental health professional, but has been studying the work of Dr. C.G. Jung since 1987. If you feel seriously depressed, or have other mental health issues, please contact a licensed mental health professional in your area. This Q&A is intended to help the BTS Army understand what is happening with the #MAP_OF_THE_SOUL_PERSONA album that is being released April 12, 2019.

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C.G. JUNG,Symbols of the Self,Personal Experiences,Self Help - Healing Ourselves,Jung's Red Book for Our Time,Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions,Dr. Murray Stein,metaphysical God,Metaphysical God - God-Image - Self,Dr. Edward F. Edinger,

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