
Addressing Harm

Addressing Harm Panel discussion featuring adrienne maree brown, Shira Hassan, Mimi Kim, Priya Rai, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha, and Amita Swadhin. Moderated by Ejeris Dixon.

Recorded at Building Accountable Communities: A National Gathering on Transforming Harm on April 27, 2019 at Barnard College, NYC.
Co-sponsored by Project NIA and the Barnard Center for Research on Women.
Thanks to Life Comes From It and Open Philanthropy Project for funding that helped to make the convening possible.

Lots of people are using the word "accountability" with respect to various forms of harm. It is clear however that there isn't any agreement about what this idea means.

Is accountability punishment? Is it possible to move towards repairing harm without punishment? Panelists explore transformative justice approaches to addressing different forms of harm.


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