
The Smearing of a Normal Kid (N-word Drama) Sun, May 26, 2019

The Smearing of a Normal Kid (N-word Drama) Sun, May 26, 2019 Call in! 888-775-3773, live Sunday 9am PT (11CT/12ET)

Talking about Kyle Kashuv, Tony Robbins, etc., the N-word controversy, and unity vs division.

Also some texts from Thursday about "reproductive rights" and real Christians who started America.

A little more biblical basis for what Jesse's about. People falsely accuse him of being "false prophet." "You shall know a man by his fruit." And what is the fruit of the Spirit?

A few notes on White History: It's not "we" — the whites today aren't the whites who made the country great. Also: Who benefits more today from past slavery in the US?

If time: A little about the hullabaloo over the wall. Also if time: Fake Christians and liberal fake Christians.

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The Hake Report,Christianity,James Anton Hake,Donald Trump,Liberals,Racism,Anger,Jesse Lee Peterson,Men,MAGA,Mainstream Media,Lies,Black People,Father,Mother,Children,Feminism,Church,Forgiveness,Hate,Black Crime,Intellectualism,Bible,Fake News,God,Delusion,Cuck,Facebook,Google,YouTube,Twitter,Victim,Mentality,

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