
In Regards to This Channel

In Regards to This Channel God, it's been eleven months since I touched this thing.

When I created this channel, I didn't really have any plans for it. It was just a platform to post some shitposts. Which, somehow, got some pretty good traction. To the point where I was gaining hundreds of subscribers without posting a single video for nearly a year. That really didn't sit well with me. I wanted to do something with this channel that felt deserving of that number.

Either way, I finally found a format that I am comfortable with and have initiative to work on. A way to test my video editing and scripting skills with after two years of university, and also discuss topics that I am passionate about. I know I might lose subscribers over this change, since this isn't exactly what you originally subscribed for. But I hope you hang around and check out what I have planned for the future. Who knows, maybe I can post some stupid shit in between those projects. Thanks for sticking with this channel.


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