
Britain would struggle to fight another Falklands War, warns top Brit admiral

Britain would struggle to fight another Falklands War, warns top Brit admiral Admiral Lord West – formerly the most senior ranking member of the Royal Navy – has called for an increase in spending and a recruitment drive to boost the British military across all services. He questioned whether Britain would be able to fight another major conflict such as the Falklands War, in which a military task force dispatched to retake the islands from hostile Argentina in 1982. The 50-year veteran said it would be “extremely difficult” for the UK to muster the forces to fight such a conflict, especially if Britain's new aircraft carriers – HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales – are not ready in time. Daily Star Online spoke to Admiral West ahead of Armed Forces Day this Saturday – a celebration of the British military past, present and future. The Royal Navy hero hailed the frontline servicemen and women as the “best in the world” – but said the military as a whole is being asked to do more with less.     Admiral West told Daily Star Online: “There are small areas where one can be very pleased and where we are getting bits of kit. “But the overall position of our armed forces is that they are under funded for the things they are asked to do. “There is a dangerous hollowing out of the Royal Navy and the British Army. “We do not have the spares, the ammunition, the missiles and there is a shortage of manpower. Overall we are not well placed. “The country expects its military to do certain things, and it can’t do these things because of the lack of funding.”     Britain’s defence of the Falklands Islands saw 43 Royal Navy vessels – including aircraft carriers HMS Invincible and HMS Hermes – sail to fight off the invading Argentinians.  It was a ten-week conflict which ended with British forces driving the invaders back off the island in resounding fashion. Admiral West fought in the Falklands, then the commander of HMS Ardent -–which was sunk during an onslaught by Argentine warplanes as she supported British attempts to establish a beachhead. He was commended for his actions that day, which saw him the last man to leave the sinking ship as she disappeared into the Falkland Sound.  The former FIrst Sea Lord was unconvinced Britain could wage such a campaign again with our current forces and spending.     Admiral West told Daily Star Online: “When we have the new aircraft carriers fully operational we would be able to do it - but with great difficulty.  “We have reduced our number of marines, we have got rid of HMS Ocean, and our amphibious capability has been squeezed. “We could scrap together a force, but it would be extremely difficult and without the carriers it would be impossible.” In particular he highlighted the deficiencies in the Royal Navy, saying when he joined the fleet Britain had 180 frigates – and now we have just 13.  He also said we do not have enough attack submarines, and referring to the British Army “we are kidding ourselves if we think we can deploy an armored division abroad”.     Defence spending is


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