
7 Unhealthy Relationship Patterns To Break If You Want Your Relationship To Last

7 Unhealthy Relationship Patterns To Break If You Want Your Relationship To Last 7 Unhealthy Relationship Patterns To Break If You Want Your Relationship To Last.

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Every couple in the relationship have their own habits and pattern, which they always do to each other. From how we treat each other equally, to who makes plan throughout the weekend, to who prepares the dinner, and who takes the lead, both partners have each role, and they should compromise to each other to make sure that the fire keeps alive.

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"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :


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6 Unusual Things That Happen Only to Spiritually Gifted People:


1. Being clingy.

Being clingy in the relationship is natural; it's a lovey-dovey part of every relationship. But making it a habit, to the point that you unknowingly cross personal boundaries is dangerous. After all, everyone needs their own space where they could spend their precious time to recharge.

In this pattern, one person feels like their relationship is flawless, so they believe that they have to be close to one another each and every time. But the other, not so much, he or she actually needs some space. The space-seeker will try to make excuses, avoids, or even better asking you gently to give them some space. According to Dr Paulette Sherman," One person will feel like their comfort zone is distance, especially after an argument, while the other will feel like they need to talk right away."

Of course, this is something that can be solved easily when both parties are willing to talk it through without letting their ego takes control. Dr Sherman advises communicating using your partner's pattern, a thing like "What would be a good time for you to talk?" is way better than being egocentric like," if you loved me you'd connect the way I do." By giving them some time, means the other person has the necessary time to reconnect with us.

2. The blaming game.

This is indeed a dangerous one. In a relationship, one should reflect on themselves and work together to work on the solution rather than seeing the problem and who is to blame. Playing the blame game is childish and is definitely a habit that you need to avoid. It simply means that your relationship is immature, and you both have to grow up if you want to build a healthy relationship.

According to dating coach and psychologist Samantha Rodman, "Blaming game is a toxic habit because when partners are so busy defending themselves and blaming their partners, they lose the chance to be kind to each other and to feel close."

Being responsible for your own actions and not hesitate to apologize is a sign that your relationship is mature and healthy. Nothing good will ever come out of blaming each other.

3. A lover in the friend zone pattern.

Feel like experiencing this in your relationship? Yes, it happens a lot. You're a good husband, a good wife, and you can perform your duty flawlessly when it comes to taking care of your house and your kids. However, you have lost your passion; you forgot that you have to be a lover and a partner at the same time, not just a parent or even worse a roommate.

Once you go from all the excitement of being a lover and get into a neutral zone, it doesn't take much for things to escalate into something serious. So, make sure to keep the burning passion alive and work together to keep that excitement and connection.

Watch the rest of the video to see the other list ...

7 Unhealthy Relationship Patterns To Break If You Want Your Relationship To Last,slightlybetter,dating advice for women,dating advice,what men want,Unhealthy Relationship Patterns,7 Most Toxic Patterns To Break If You Want To Save Your Relationship,how to fix an unhealthy relationship,toxic relationship,bad relationship,unhealthy habit,unhealthy pattern,how to be free from unhealthy relationships,breaking up unhealthy relationship,unhealthy relationship dynamic,

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