
Top Secret Agent Arrives to Search Pond Monster Mystery Creature in Sharer Family House!!

Top Secret Agent Arrives to Search Pond Monster Mystery Creature in Sharer Family House!! In Stephen Sharer last vlog STRANDED in GIANT HOLE Coming Home from Sharer Family Vacation!! (Meeting Worlds Fastest Fan) he wasn’t aware that his twin like sister Grace Sharer posted Sharer Family House HUNTED (Exploring for MYSTERY MONSTER Clues) until she called his iPhone and left a FaceTime message. Then Stephen returned home to the sharer family house and saw his mom, the giant backyard pond monster nest and Grace down in the basement. Grace was holding a Nerf blast and ready to stop this mystery creature from the backyard pond. Stephen just got off the phone with the The Make-A-Wish foundation where they told him that James’ Make a Wish is to hang out with the Sharer Family all day and do some epic family friendly challenges and stop this mystery pond monster. So once James arrived in his top secret spy wagon with a top secret agent standing outside, James grabbed a Nerf blaster and explore the backyard in search for hidden clues and riddles when all the sudden James discovered a hidden treasure chest just like the treasure found in Rebecca Zamolo giant hole. Stephen took the mystery note found inside to the secret lap for processing and it had a CWC Chad Wild Clay logo on the note. Could the message have been sent by PZ FACE REVEAL of HACKER unmasking because
the CWC logo was suspicious so Stephen called Chad Wild Clay on his iPhone X and the FaceTime called went un answered. Not knowing what is going on with Chad Wild Clay and Vy Quaint Stephen decided to go to Las Vegas and show up to Chads Secret Safe House! And yes Grace Sharer Grace Sharer is HOME ALONE at SHARER FAMILY HOUSE!! Again!

Special thanks to James and Make a Wish Foundation for making this family friendly video so epic!! Make-a-Wish is is a 501 non-profit organization founded in the United States that creates life-changing wishes for children with a critical illness.

Watch my friend’s awesome videos:

My Last Video:

Grace Sharer Sharer Family House HUNTED (Exploring for MYSTERY MONSTER Clues)
FGTeev - DON'T STOP RUNNING!! Scary Monkey Game! 🙈 (FGTEEV Ape Chase gets Upgrade?)

Lucas and Marcus WHO KNOWS ME BETTER? My Girlfriend or My Ex Girlfriend!
Guava Juice: 10 Summer Hacks That Will Change Your Life..

Business Inquiries:

Mailing Address:
Stephen Sharer Youtube #633
2961 A Hunter Mill Rd
Oakton, VA 22124
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

This footage is property of Stephen Sharer and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Stephen Sharer. For any requests from media contact us at

top secret,secret spy,secret agent,pond monster,mystery creature,sharer family,mystery spy,spy,found game master,game master,stephen sharer,grace sharer,steven sher,carter sharer,morgz,chad wild clay,cwc,vy qwaint,rebecca zamolo,lucas and marcus,game master reveal,sharer,family friendly,make a wish,pg,2019,funny,entertainment,comedy,for kids,kids,family fun,kid friendly,surprise,share the love,

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