
The Health Impact of Pre-Conscious Trauma

The Health Impact of Pre-Conscious Trauma For more livestreams and information on health and the mind/body connection, join -

Livestream on the health impact of pre-conscious trauma.

We explored how events before, during and after birth (up until around age 2) can have a lifelong impact on both physical and psychological health.

This will also include ancestral patterns passed on epigenetically.

There are some specific examples from the META view of Health.

I also looked at ways to achieve resolution as well as gain deeper self-knowledge and moving towards a thriving life on your terms.

For anyone wanting to explore specific health conditions – 50% off a META Consultation to get clear on the specific root cause events, beliefs and behaviour patterns that are keeping the condition in place – whether physical or mental illness – normally £350 and if you’ve watched this and book on in the next 3 days it’s £175. You’ll also understand the choices that you have to heal and transform your life.

If you just want to explore your pre-conscious life and birth, then I’m offering a 3 session package

Session 1 – Identify pre-conscious and birth trauma and matrix reimprinting/EFT to prepare for birth reimprinting

Session 2 – Birth reimprinting session to create a stong sense of empowerment and ignite the bonding process

Session 3 – Following up and clearing residual emotional blocks and beliefs

£350, saving £100 on standard rate of £150 per session.

Message me if you'd like to take up either or both of these options.

birth trauma,healing,meta health,eft,matrix reimprinting,sam neffendorf,

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