This video is a part of the series for CBSE Class 10, Biology demo videos for the chapter “Management of Natural Resources.” In this series, we have completed all the concepts, examples and the entire NCERT exercises. It is the part of an initiative taken by www.shikshaabhiyan.com to provide quality online education to students free of cost on YouTube.
We will add video lectures for other chapters and subjects for class 10 very soon. Meanwhile, we recommend that you take a look at our website or download our Android app (links are given below) to get the complete course of class 10 Maths and Science. You can check our collection of video classes for class 9 to 12, which have a new and more interactive way of learning. This has been specially devised to give a one-to-one learning experience JUST LIKE YOUR SCHOOL or TUITION. You can also assess your learning skills with our ‘’Academic Test” especially designed by experienced educators which is based on the CBSE curriculum (it is absolutely free for the entire academic session). There are many other attractive features at www.shikshaabhiyan.com that will help you top your CBSE board exams. Just click on the links given below to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best.
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