
Pep Talk - A Word Of Encouragement As We See The Day Approaching!

Pep Talk - A Word Of Encouragement As We See The Day Approaching! Just a quick word of encouragement.
Saying out loud what many of us are feeling in these last days.

Check out these prophecies for yourself:
Hosea 4:3✔️ here's a link for the mass animal deaths worldwide

Acts 2:17✔️ visions and dreams (youtube rapture dream you'll see thousands of them or end time dream)
Acts 2:19✔️ wonders in the heavens
Acts 2:20✔️ blood red moon tetrads, eclipses
Jeremiah 25:31✔️ (youtube strange sounds in the sky worldwide)
Daniel 12:4✔️ knowledge increase
2 Peter 3:3✔️ scoffers saying "where is the promise of his coming?"
2 Timothy 3:1-5 ✔️ perilous times.. Describes the times we see right now.. The character of people
Joel 2:28✔️
Mark 13:7-8 ️✔️wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes
Luke 21:11✔️ earthquakes and pestilences
Luke 21:25✔️ - distress of nations, rivers raging, blood red moon tetrads, unscheduled blood red moons, star of Bethlehem shone June. 30. 15 for the first time in 2000 years, Star and planet alignment believed to be the revelation 12 sign graced the skies Sept. 23. 17, Aug. 21. 2017 full solar eclipse
Zechariah 12: 1-3✔️ Nations gathering against Israel.. Look at resolution 2334
Matthew 24:10✔️ many will be offended perfect example of today and the political correctness agenda
Romans 8:22-25 - believers and unbelievers alike groaning in birthpangs.
Ezekiel 47:9 ✔️ - pools of fish found living in the Dead Sea

Matthew 24: 33-34 Israel became a nation in 1948. The generation that saw Israel become a nation will certainly not pass.

Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 all coming to pass as we speak.

Isaiah 17:1 is soon to be fulfilled and when it does it will most likely be the catalyst that brings about the Ezekiel 38 war.
Ezekiel 38 forming
Psalm 83 forming
Mark of the beast technology.
Peace talks
Wars and rumours of wars
Talks about rebuilding temple:
- Search for eligible priest for 3rd temple
- Animal sacrifice to begin soon
- Cyrus Trump temple coin
- The temple institute “a time to build” video
- Multiple red heifers born. Waiting to see if any grow up without blemish.
- Finances for temple: they have found a gold vein worth billions of dollars, they’re going to use it to build the Temple
Freak lightning and hail storms
HUGE sinkholes
One world religion agenda - interfaith movement. Muslims, Jews, and "a form of Christianity" praying to "same god" in Sept. 2016 for one week in Jerusalem.
New world order agenda

The ten plagues of Moses have made a comeback in 2016:
Waters to blood✅
Gnats or lice✅
Swarms of flies✅
Animals die✅

Those are just SOME of the prophecies coming to pass before our eyes!

The rapture of the church:
1 Corinthians 15:52
1 Thessalonians 4:17
1 Thessalonians 5
Revelation 3:10
Titus 2:13

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