
Mon May 6, 2019 Cool and generally cloudy today, slight chance of rain

Mon May 6, 2019  Cool and generally cloudy today, slight chance of rain This video was taken this morning in partly cloudy weather and despite it looking like a fairly sunny day the clouds increased later in the day to produce a thunderstorm. The background music is the song from the Main Street Electrical Parade at Disneyland. Note the deep blue sky in an unstable atmosphere where good vertical mixing occurs and this caused the ultraviolet index to climb to 11 which is extremely high the highest so far this year here but the UV Index dropped sharply in the afternoon to 1 which is low when clouds increased and shut out the intense sunlight. Just 2 days ago with stable marine air there was poor vertical mixing and the sky was less blue with haze and smog and the ultraviolet index was not that high at about 7 or 8. The highest UV Index of the year occurs in late June or early July and is around 12.


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