Our team doesn't encourage everyone to join any of these investments. We don't discourage you either to join. We are just youtuber. We do this for youtube and yes, we have income by doing it in youtube.
Kapa link -
Be a Youtuber - coming soon
Final note: I invested kapa and others because this is a trend in the Philippines. Why I chose trend topics? because I want to start youtube. I am also a youtube editor. I have 7 youtuber clients. I saw their earnings and was surprised. They are earning $250 - $8,000 every month. Surely Youtube is not a scam. So I decided to create my own youtube channel too. If you want to start youtube too, I can help you. I created a Face book group for us to discuss many things in secret. I will share all the tips and tricks in the facebook group. Also, in the group, we help each other. Comment: "I want to join" and I will contact you personally. Let's have a passive income. Di tayo pabata. Tumatandan tayo. We need passive income or start our own business.