So this is a video that I’m really excited to share with you because it’s something that definitely needs to be brought to more peoples attention. I’ve seriously been noticing so many social media scams lately especially on Instagram. Including lots of fake accounts, and illegitimate websites. I’ve even seen a lot of influencers and celebrities promoting these fake businesses and becoming a sponsor for them which ultimately just isn’t a good look in the long run. But it’s not their fault! Because ultimately enough people just aren’t that familiar with this concept yet, only some are aware of it and those are usually the ones doing it themselves. But it’s time we spread awareness!
Like I was saying I’ve been coming across this a lot lately especially on the good old IG and I’ve even had a lot of these fake company’s reach out to me asking me if I want to become a brand ambassador for them. I only briefly touched base upon this in my video but I can not stress enough at how important it is to do your research first before representing or buying from an unheard of brand. I should also note that most of the time if you do agree to become a brand ambassador for one of these stores, all that’s going to take place is they will usually send you a promo code to use on their website so that you can buy something from one of these sellers and then you can advertise it for them for free by posting on your own IG account. So essentially not only will they be earning money off of you but they will also be gaining free advertisement from you and you won’t necessarily be getting anything out of it but a damaged reputation. This isn’t how legitimate collaborations should work!
Also that being said, I know this has been a trend lately but I can’t beg you enough not to do it that being... DO NOT BUY FROM INSTAGRAM ADS. Especially if your unfamiliar with the store itself. Most of these ads are usually for these websites, and you need to do your research first. You can’t always initially trust instagrams recommendations or anything you come across on social media. Always do your due diligence!
Sorry to bore you all with this super long description but this is a topic I take pretty seriously especially since I see so many people falling for it and not enough people talking about it. But let’s change that!! I encourage you all to share this video with your friends and crew not for my own entertainment but so that we can help spread the word together!