
How To Remain Confident When Things Don't Go As Planned

How To Remain Confident When Things Don't Go As Planned Have you ever crafted the PERFECT plan to take on an exciting idea or project? And then, the crush of disappointment comes when success doesn’t arrive as spectacularly or quickly as planned?
Ugh.. me, too!

It can be tempting to quit out of frustration, believing the inner critic who loves this opportunity to remind you how unqualified or incapable you really are. 👈(Those are lies!)

Rising confidently beyond these moments begins with finding wisdom tucked into disappointment. (Which leads to future success! 🔥)

This video is the third of four simple coaching tips I'll share with you to make the shift from Chaos to Confidence.

confidence,overcoming setbacks,resilience,overcoming failure,career change,leadership,women,entrepreneurship,

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