
Gary Stearman: The May 14th Miracle - A Dat We Will Never Forget!

Gary Stearman: The May 14th Miracle - A Dat We Will Never Forget! God moves in mysterious ways that sometimes take years to fully understand. Five years ago Gary and Bob made a surprising decision to launch a new ministry. An unexpected and emotional phone call from Tim LaHaye provided confirmation that the Lord was with us and paying close attention. Last week, on May 14th, the same day Israel was re-established as a nation in 1948, we completed a 9 month journey in our pursuit of the acquisition of the Trinity Broadcasting headquarters in Oklahoma City. Contracts have been signed, funds have been transferred and very soon we will be moving into our new soundproofed television studios! May 14th? What are the odds? We can only offer a huge THANK YOU to everyone who pitched in to make this dream become a reality. But there's another important date in this discussion. On July 4th we will be announcing the date and location of our next prophecy conference with registration beginning on Monday, July 8th. Stay tuned because we expect to sell out this event in ONE DAY! Don't get left behind!

Gary Stearman,Bob Ulrich,Bible Prophecy,Prophecy Watchers,Bible,Jesus Christ,PITN,Prophecy in the News,SkywatchTV,End,Times,New Building,TBN,Israel,OKC,

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