
The Rationale Method | Nathan Geering | TEDxBradford

The Rationale Method | Nathan Geering | TEDxBradford At TEDxBradford 2019, Nathan spoke about The Rationale Method and it’s revolutionary approach to accessibility.

Outlining how hiphop can be used to enhance accessibility for people with visual impairment through teach breakdance to people with visual impairment as a means of injury prevention and to improve spatial awareness right the to reinventing audio description utilising the sounds of beatboxers and poets to give a richer soundscape to people with visual impairment. Nathan will also be talking about his partnership with a neuroscientist to find out why hiphop is stimulating such profound brain activity in people with visual impairment when compared to other forms…..and finally what this all means for economic growth of countries that don’t sufficiently cater for people with visual impairment. As an Artistic Director and creator of The Rationale Method Nathan has been pioneering research into the unlikely link between hip-hop and visual impairment and in 2015 Nathan became a fellow for ADAD’s Trailblazers program. This enabled him to begin to conduct academic research surrounding visibility of dance forms to people with visual impairment. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

TEDxTalks,English,Art,Dance (performance),Disability,Music (topic),Neuroscience,Poetry,

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