
France’s firefighter officials just humiliated Trump with a snappy response to his Notre Dam

France’s firefighter officials just humiliated Trump with a snappy response to his Notre Dam Please Help Me To 100,000 Sub : Dems NEWS :

France’s firefighter officials just humiliated Trump with a snappy response to his Notre Dame fire tweet

Notre Dame cathedral continues to burn as the entire world looks on in helpless horror. We still don’t know what set the inferno off, but Parisian authorities are working nonstop to contain the blaze as best they can, with the looming possibility that despite their valiant efforts one of civilization’s most beloved structure might still be completely reduced to ash.

You can't exaggerate the importance of the Cathedral of Paris to the city of Paris. It’s an amazing loss.” The latest on the Notre Dame Cathedral fire

While the tragedy unfolds there is one thing that really should go without saying: the last thing that anybody involved with it wanted to hear is what Donald Trump thinks about the fire. Of course, since it’s him it was only a matter of time before he opened his big mouth and spewed some kind of offensive nonsense. Well, ladies and gentleman, the president has tweeted.

Trump described the fire as “horrible” which it certainly is, but then he decided to overstep himself by suggesting that “flying water tankers” should be used to extinguish the flames. Why he thinks that such things would be readily available in an urban center like Paris is anyone’s guess, but one doesn’t have to be a structural engineer to see that dumping tons and tons of water on an old burning structure built mostly out of wood would be a terrible idea.
“Must act quickly!” Trump added as if anyone thought that this was an issue which could be addressed later or as if the French themselves are not more acutely aware than anyone of how little time they have to fix the problem.
As is always the case with Trump, he has nothing useful to say. In this case, as in most, it would have been better if he had just kept out of it.
So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!

It didn’t take long for the SécuritéCivile, the part of the French Ministry of the Interior that oversees firefighting, to bluntly respond to the American president’s idiotic advice.
Their official Twitter account tweeted that air dropping water on a building like Notre Dame could lead to “the collapse of the entire structure,” something which anyone who spends more than a minute thinking about the fire should plainly see.
They ended the message by voicing their support for the brave sappers currently working their hardest to save the cathedral and followed it up with another tweet pointing out there are hundreds of firefighters working to stop the flames and reiterating what a bad idea dropping water from planes would be.
It’s a true shame that during this trying moment, the French have been forced to respond to our brutish and ignorant leader. The last thing they need right now is Trump inserting himself into the firefighting efforts.

Not surprisingly, Trump’s tweet unleashed a deluge of mockery on Twitter, with users rushing to hit him with a series of brutal jokes. Once again, our president has been reduced to a laughingstock.

Run in there with a bucket of water!

“Woowooo! I’m a fireman!!!

Sir could this of been avoided if they just built a Wall ,, really make’s you think !!

And when California burns you threaten to take away federal support..

Can you please teach us how to put a fire out ? We the French have no clue, we're currently blowing on it but it doesn't work. Please help us o mighty world ruler.

The Paris Fire Department is certainly not checking your feed for advice.

"must act quickly," what awesome advice! oh my god, it's a good thing you mentioned that because otherwise the fireman would have lollygagged their way to the fire while smoking cigarettes and carrying baguettes in a little net tote as French firemen usually do. GOOD THINKING SIR

Wow. A backseat fireman. How lovely.

What do I know about firefighting, maybe nothing (but I did become President!), but if I were the mayor of Paris, I would PUT OUT the Notre Dame fire, add some additional great features, and RAKE the leaves around the building! But again, what the hell do I know?

Thank you mr president. I've been saying they should use water to put out fires for years

They said we couldn’t use water to put out fires, but guess wh

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